Digital Design Applications

This course is recommended for those students who have basic keyboarding skills and are interested in working with business correspondence and business related projects. During the first semester, this course will involve word processing skills, spreadsheet skills, database and entrepreneurial skills. Students will be taught to use Word, Excel and Access from the Microsoft Office 2013 software package, along with the programs in the Google Suite. In the second semester, students will work on desktop publishing skills using Microsoft Publisher along with an introduction to using Adobe Photoshop to develop customized pictures, graphics, and images. They will create custom logos, learn to work with layers, restore/retouch old photographs, learn digital image editing, as well as create graphical business documents. Students will develop critical thinking skills while learning to critique each other’s work.

Students are working on the computers

Who can take it/when: 9th-12th graders

Teacher: Mrs. Soyring

Semester/year long/block: It is an hour class all year.

Fills requirement: Can be a substitute for a 2nd year world language

College/Future: You build skills that will help you in completing projects at college and in the work world.

DDA Project- Personalized License Plate