College Biology

College Biology is intended for serious students who wish to be academically challenged. It will offer an in-depth study of the main themes of Biology, often supplemented with “Advanced Placement” style laboratory experiments meant to reinforce ideas presented in class. There will be an emphasis on human physiology which will include a major dissection. College Biology is primarily designed to prepare students for an introductory Biology course during their first year of college.

Prerequisites: Students who enroll in College Biology must have completed both Biology and Chemistry with at least a C-

College Biology slated to be offered every other year. It will next be offered in 2019-2020. Current freshmen should take this into account when planning which science courses to take as a sophomore.

Taylor J: “I like learning about the in depth processes that take place on a cellular level. You actually get to see them happening during labs.”

Kaitlyn H: “I learned a lot about the Krebs Cycle and Electron Transport Oxidative Phosphorylation which was pretty cool.”

Who can take it/when: Juniors and Seniors; must have completed or be currently enrolled in Chemistry and completed Biology with at least a C- or with teacher recommendation

Teacher: Mrs. Anderson

What you learn: You will learn the main themes of Biology, but you will go more in-depth about everything than you did previously.

This course is a full year course. Grades are weighted in all College Science classes at GHS

College/Future: College Biology will prepare you for introductory biology courses in college which will be required for careers such as nursing, physicians, veterinarians, therapists, pharmacology, forensic science, environmental science, dentistry and dental hygiene, etc. Even if you aren't planning to go into a science related career, most four year degrees require one or more "lab science courses". Biology is a very common science course for students of all majors to take in their first year of college so getting a strong background now will better prepare you for your future studies.